You can also see some links to places Eric made link graphics for - again, improvised as the HTML code was missing. Here you can see some miscellaneous graphics in no particular order, scrounged from a directory the FBI had already deleted the actual webpages from, so I had to improvise. We soon learned the guys BBS doom nickname. You can see screenshots from the levels here.Ĭheck out the readme file for a Quake level Reb made. We had all heard the peoples names by then, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, but I didnt recognize them at all. Files that I didn't manage to get include, Tier, Techout and Thrasher. As far as I'm aware there isn't a screenshot of Realdoom per se but as the image was in the same directory as his wad and screenshot files when I saved them, I thought I'd stick it here for sake of reference.Īccording to the text file from UACLABS.wad, Eric also made up to 11 wads but the ones above are the only legitimate ones I've come across, which I downloaded from his website before it deleted. The above picture is one I scrounged out of Eric's website directory before it was pulled down, titled 'realdeth.gif'. ahahaha, yeah Well, wish me luck, I spose. Oh, well if youre looking for that, then I can direct you to the FBI where you can look through their archives and see if they have anything documented on it. See a mirror of this graphic walk-thru of UAC Labs Im looking for Tears, the wad made by Eric Harris, not one of its clones.